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What is Umbrella Insurance?

Lawsuits are a very common occurrence in today’s world. It is impossible to predict how much the injured party will be awarded by the judge. That is why you may want to consider getting a personal umbrella insurance...

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Condominium Insurance: Who is Responsible for What?

When insuring a single family home, it is obvious who holds the responsibility for the property. But condominiums, with their entangled mix of public and private spaces, make determining who should be held accountable...

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How to Prepare for a Wind Mitigation Inspection

A Wind Mitigation is required by the insurance underwriter to confirm or deny the existence of wind resistant features of a home that will enable the home to hold up better during a storm. A wind mitigation inspection...

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Home Security Tips

Everyone wants to keep their home safe from burglars or intruders, but not everyone wants to have an alarm system installed. There are plenty of people who prefer the do-it-yourself route, whether it’s home improvement...

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Four Sure-Fire Ways to Get Your Car Stolen

Most people would say their car is one of the most valuable assets they own. Despite that, however, some people make it downright easy for thieves to drive off in their pride and joy. At Wren Insurance, we don’t want...

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Lost your Olympic Medal? There's insurance for that!

Olympians work and train their whole lives to obtain one prize - an Olympic medal. To them, it is priceless and irreplaceable. So it only makes sense that they would want to make sure they are protected against loss or...

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New Year's Resolution Success

The start of the new year often marks the start of New Year's resolutions and new goals. According to, the top 3 New Year's resolutions are to lose weight, to get organized, and to save more/spend...

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Be the Pinnacle of Health and Wellness this Winter

The winter months usually bring much welcomed cooler and dryer air to Florida. But it can be a challenge to stay healthy all winter, especially when the temperatures are up and down, and kids are passing around colds at...

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Anne Burger wins CSR Mastery Contest

Here is a press release from Agency Revolution announcing Anne Burger as the winner of their CSR Mastery Program! Congratulations, Anne! Agency Revolution is proud to select Anne Burger of Wren Insurance Agency as their...

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Identity Theft

According to TechNewsDaily, “Identity theft in the United States rose to a three-year high in 2012, with more than 5 percent of the adult population, or 12.6 million people, falling victim to such crimes. That's up from...

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