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Staying Ahead of the (Flood) Game

Florida is such an incredible state to live in…that is until flood season arrives. With hurricane season gearing up and storms headed our way, flooding is something that we must always be prepared for. Here are some tips to stay ahead of the flood game this year: 

Insurance Tips:

  • Purchase Flood Insurance:
    • Standard homeowner’s, landlord’s, renter’s or condo unit policies do NOT cover damages inflicted from flooding.
    • Ensure that your flood insurance limit matches your home insurance policy’s dwelling limit.
  • 30-Day Waiting Period
    • The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requires a 30-day waiting period from the date the policy is purchased, in order to prevent flood insurance policies from being opened only when a storm is actively approaching.
    • There are a few exceptions to the 30-day rule, so contact us to see if you qualify.
  • Cancellation Provisions
    • The NFIP requires that you keep the flood insurance policy through its duration, as to prevent people from cancelling their policies as soon as hurricane season is over.
    • There are, again, exceptions to this rule as well, so please contact us to see if you qualify. 

Practical Tips

  • Store sandbags year-round to use as barriers.
  • Purchase portable chargers for all electronic devices.
  • Make emergency supply kits.
  • Make copies of irreplaceable documents, and store in a safe and dry location.
  • Elevate All Electrical Panels and Wiring:
    • If planning on building/expanding a house in an active flood-zone, this can be done as a precaution during construction.
  • Make Yourself Aware of Weather Warnings, Evacuation Routes, & Plan Ahead:
    • Being prepared is the key to reducing flood damage! 

Gilbert White very wisely said, “Floods are ‘acts of God,’ but flood losses are largely acts of man.” This statement holds so much truth, and Wren wants to ensure that you are properly prepared for any form of flooding that you may experience this hurricane season. If you are interested in discussing your options in gaining flood insurance, discussing your current policy coverage, or just have some questions that need answering please do hesitate to contact us!