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Let Organization Break Your FALL

As Summer has winded down and we have all fallen (pun intended) into our routines, it is so easy to get used to the clutter and disorganization of it all. Between navigating school zones and PTA meetings while still trying to get to your desk before your coffee turns cold, none of us have extra free time to declutter our lives. On that note, here are some helpful tips to make the most of your limited free time and help you organize this Fall: 

  • Hand-Me-Downs
    • How many of us have clothes in our closets that we look at every morning, full well knowing we are never going to wear them? Or have 3 bags full of clothes that our kids have outgrown sitting on our garage floor? Fall is the perfect time to go through what you and your family have and consolidate your closets! You could do this in a couple of ways:
      • Many clothing donations sites and/or drop-offs open up around the Fall. This is partly due to the holidays coming up and partly due to the weather change that we will be/have been experiencing. This is the perfect time to round up some clothes to donate and give back to the community!
      • Consignment shops and other such stores will actually purchase your gently used clothing! This is a great way to make a little extra money, especially for jr. high, high school, or even college age students who do not have a full-time job.
      • There are also many online outlets, such as social media, where you can market and sell your used clothing all by yourself!
  • House
    • Learning that everything has a place is essential to home organization; however, everyone in the house must also know where that place is – this step is often what throws off organization goals. In this scenario you have two best friends: labels and containers. Labeling can include labeling areas of the house (i.e. this is the play room where toys stay), or labeling specific items (i.e. this is the toy bin where toys go when we are done playing with them). Containers are also very useful – these can be small such as kitchen containers, or large such as hampers and toy chests. Containers come in every shape, size, color and style – the important thing to remember is that they are “homes” for our belongings, and can help us separate the trash from the treasure.
  • Holidays
    • Plan ahead. Plan ahead. Plan ahead. As we enter into this Fall season, major holiday season is right around the corner. From decorations and hosting, to food and drink preparation, the holidays take a lot of work! This is the time to PLAN AHEAD for whatever holidays you and yours choose to celebrate. Entering into the early Fall season we have a few weeks to mentally and physically prepare for the madness that our holidays bring, so use this time wisely! Research recipes, get out your decorations, start gift shopping, and do as much beforehand as you can!
  • Habits
    • Habit building is an innate skill that we are all born with – the ability to control the power of our habits is one that must be learned. Now that we are all well-adjusted to the routine of school and/or work, it is important to find a system that works best for us and our families. Settling into a mundane routine feels so natural, but there are simple things we can do to ensure that we functioning as efficiently, effectively, and enjoyably as possible. There are two important ways to do this:
    • Morning Routine
      • This of course looks different for different households; however, it is essential that everyone has a morning routine in order to get out of the house on time and in one piece. Whether it is making your bed, brushing your teeth and heading out the door, or waking up an hour early to make your family breakfast, everyone needs routine.
    • Night Routine
      • Nightly routines are also helpful as they make the process of going to bed and waking up much easier. This can include laying out school/work uniforms for the morning, a specific skincare regimen, or even just a bedtime story and a nightlight. 

I have a great idea – let’s all agree to NOT save the clutter for Spring cleaning! Here’s to the  awesome Summer you HAD, the clean Fall/Winter you’re GOING to have, and the relaxing Spring you’ll now be ABLE to have J